Select the program for which you are applying

You can only select one study for your first application

Study School End of intake
Advanced Diploma in HIV Nurse PractitionerSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2025-06-30
Bachelor of Arts Guidance and CounsellingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-01-01
Bachelor of Business ManagementSchool of Law and Business Studies0000-00-00
Bachelor of Social WorkSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-01-01
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BUSINESS STUDIES/ICTSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Bachelor of Arts In Civic EducationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN CIVIC EDUCATION/HISTORYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-06-10
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION (HISTORY/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION)School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PUBLIC ADMINSTRATIONSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-11-27
Bachelor of Development StudiesSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-12-29
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION GEOGRAPHY/MATHEMATICSSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION IN ENGLISH (LANGUAGE/HISTORY)School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE/CIVIC EDUCATIONSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION MATHEMATICS/BIOLOGYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION MATHEMATICS/CHEMISTRYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION MATHEMATICS/GEOGRAPHYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION MATHEMATICS/PHYSICSSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Bachelor of Education with PrimarySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CIVIC EDUCATIONSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Bachelor of Human resources ManagementSchool of Law and Business Studies2024-01-01
Bachelor of LawsSchool of Law and Business Studies2023-01-01
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MbChb)School of Medicine2025-01-01
Bachelor Of PharmacySchool of Pharmacy2028-01-01
Bachelor of Science BiologySchool of Natural Sciences2024-01-01
Bachelor of Science ChemistrySchool of Natural Sciences2026-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and FinanceSchool of Law and Business Studies0000-00-00
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture EducationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Banking and FinanceSchool of Law and Business Studies2024-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Clinical MedicineSchool of Medicine2022-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine(Term)School of Medicine2023-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science/Home EconomicsSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2022-01-01
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION BIOLOGY/CHEMISTRYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION CHEMISTRY/ BIOLOGYSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION CHEMISTRY/ PHYSICSSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Environmental HealthSchool of Medicine2024-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Fire Engineering & Rescue ManagementSchool of Natural Sciences2027-01-01
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOSPITALITY & HOTEL MANAGEMENTSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-27
Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication TechnologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-01-01
Bachelor of Science in MarketingSchool of Law and Business Studies2024-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery - In ServiceSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2026-01-01
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery - Pre ServiceSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2026-01-01
Bachelor of Science in NursingSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2023-01-01
Bachelor of Science in PsychologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-08
Bachelor of Science in Technical EducationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2022-01-01
Bachlor of Arts in MusicSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2022-01-01
BSc Cyber Security and Network DefenseSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-29
BSc Data Science and Big Data AnalyticsSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-29
BSc in Digital Marketing and E-commerceSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-29
Business Studies - Unified IntakeSchool of Law and Business Studies2025-01-01
Certificate in Food Production and ManagementSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2025-12-27
DEGREE IN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW COURSESSchool of Law and Business Studies2023-01-01
Degree Secondary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2029-01-01
Diploma in Building ConstructionSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-11-27
Diploma in Clinical MedicineSchool of Medicine2024-01-01
Diploma in Deco and Event PlanningSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-11-27
Diploma in Early Child-Hood TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-04-01
Diploma in Environmental HealthSchool of Medicine2023-01-01
Diploma in Film Production and Performing Arts School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-11-27
Diploma in Hospitality and Event ManagementSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-11-27
Diploma in Information and Communication TechnologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-11-27
Diploma in PharmacySchool of Pharmacy2023-01-01
Diploma in Registered MidwiferySchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2025-01-01
Diploma in Registered NursingSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2023-01-01
Diploma in Teaching MethodologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Diploma Primary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Diploma Secondary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2022-01-01
Diploma Social WorkSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-12-26
DISTANCE - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOSPITALITY & HOTEL MANAGEMENTSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-27
Distance Bachelor of Science in Clinical MedicineSchool of Medicine2023-01-01
Distance Degree Primary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Distance Degree Secondary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
DISTANCE-Bachelor in Early Child-Hood TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-11-30
Distance-Bachelor of Arts Guidance and CounsellingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-02-01
Distance-Bachelor of ICT and EntrepreneurshipSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2025-01-30
Distance-Bachelor of Science in Environmental HealthSchool of Medicine2021-01-01
Distance-BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LABORATORY SCIENCESchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-11-23
Distance-Bachelor of Science in NursingSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences0000-00-00
Distance-Bachelor of Science in PsychologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-08
Distance-Bachelor of Social WorkSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2028-01-04
DISTANCE-Diploma in Early Child-Hood TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2021-01-01
Distance-Diploma Primary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-01-01
Distance-Diploma Secondary TeachingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-01-01
Distance-Master of Guidance and CounsellingSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-12-11
Distance-Master of Social WorkSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-01-05
Distance-MSc in Emergency and Disaster ManagementSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-01-07
Distance-Post-Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and EvaluationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2027-01-01
Distance-Teaching Methodology DiplomaSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2026-01-04
Master in Public HealthSchool of Medicine2023-12-01
Master of Arts in Primary EducationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2023-11-30
Master of Arts in Religious StudiesSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-11-30
Master of EducationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
Master of Education and AdministrationSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
Master of Science in BiologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
Master of Science in Data Science and AnalyticsSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
Master of Science in Linguistic ScienceSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
Master of Science in Statistics Mathematics School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2024-12-30
NATURAL SCIENCESchool of Natural Sciences2027-01-01
Organizational Management and LeadershipSchool of Law and Business Studies2024-10-01
Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching MethodologySchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2025-01-01
Professional Computer CoursesSchool of Law and Business Studies2021-01-01
Public Health Registered NursingSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences2025-01-01
Teaching Methodology DiplomaSchool of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences2020-01-01
Web Application(php & Mysql)School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences0000-00-00